What is Glutathione?
Glutathione plays a key role in many of the important functions of the human body, making it one of the most versatile and indispensable nutrients required for optimal health. It is found in all of the cells in our body, although the highest concentrations are in the liver, spleen, pancreas and kidneys.
Glutathiones' most important role is as an antioxidant; these are nutrients which protect the body from damage caused by free radicals, the molecules that are released by oxidative stress. The body naturally discharges free radicals on a daily basis, but levels can build up as a result of ageing, stress, bad diet, smoking, sun exposure and environmental pollutants.
The damage caused by these free radicals can greatly impact on our immune system, leaving us prey to opportune illnesses. It is also linked to deterioration in the quality of our skin, resulting in wrinkles, age spots and other signs of visible ageing.
Boosting our levels of antioxidants is key to combating free radical damage and glutathione is a powerful source. In the liver it detoxifies toxins and plays a role in DNA repair. In terms of skin health, it slows down the ageing process, improving skin quality by shrinking pores and clearing up hyperpigmentation. It can also help with acne prevention and the improvement of acne scarring.
Want clear, rejuvenated skin fast? Containing 2500mg of pharmaceutical grade, max-strength glutathione, our Glutathione with Vitamin C and Cacao Suppositories. 2500mg means you can enjoy all the benefits of this powerful skin-boosting antioxidant in the comfort of your own home.
Women and men have been searching for many years to find a safe but effective way to lighten the skin, inspired by a celebrity culture filled with lighter-skinned actors, singers and models they are keen to emulate.
The internet is awash with creams and tablets promising skin lightening but many of them contain dangerous, mercury-based ingredients and are often accompanied by potentially serious side-effects to the user. Skin lightening creams that contain hydroquinone work by bleaching the skin, but often culminate in patchy, unsatisfying results.
Now we can offer a solution; glutathione supplementation has become a potent alternative to these treatments, offering a harm-free and guaranteed method of lightening your skin, while maintaining optimum skin health in the long term.
Glutathione is now known to be one of the most powerful antioxidants found in nature, renowned for its wide range of benefits for the human body, so as well as lightening and brightening your complexion, glutathione can also promote healthy skin and overall well-being.
Suppositories are medications that are inserted into the body through the rectum, urethra or vagina, although rectal suppositories are the most commonly used types.
Just like oral pills, capsules, syrups and injections, a suppository delivers medication directly into the body. However, they are considered to be more effective than oral supplements as they facilitate the direct delivery of compounds into the bloodstream, and by extension, into the skin and other target organs by skipping the digestive process.
Ultimately, the benefits of suppositories relate to their mode of delivery as well as the quality of the ingredients they contain. Indeed, pure glutathione suppositories can help you derive the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and regenerative benefits of this vital antioxidant.
Suppositories usually have a base made of gelatin or cocoa butter. This surrounds the primary ingredients and once inserted, the warmth of the body melts the base, allowing the suppository’s primary ingredients to be released slowly.
For example, when a glutathione suppository is inserted into the body, this active ingredient is released at a controlled rate before being absorbed into the bloodstream. Here, it reaches various organs and tissues to support healing, tissue regeneration and the body’s natural antioxidant activities.
Here is a breakdown of how Glutathione Vitamin Suppositories work:
Glutathione is one of the most indispensable and versatile nutrients needed to improve skin health. It is found in all the cells of the body including the skin, liver, pancreas, spleen and kidneys.
Glutathione possesses natural antioxidant properties and protects the body against free radicals released as a by-product of metabolic activities. Although the body has the ability to destroy free radicals naturally, a build-up can occur as a result of an unhealthy diet, ageing, mental stress, sun exposure, smoking and exposure to environmental pollutants.
The damage caused by free radicals leads to oxidative stress, increasing the risk of illness. It can also accelerate degenerative processes and result in early wrinkles, fine lines and age spots. Should these symptoms prevail, there could be an additional need to support the body’s natural antioxidant potential by using high-quality glutathione-based suppositories, in order to promote natural antioxidant activities and minimise free radical damage. This also helps to restore skin health, lighten hyperpigmentation and delay signs of ageing.
Glutathione reaches the liver through the bloodstream and improves the ability of this organ to neutralise toxins and promote DNA repair. It cleanses the blood and rejuvenates the tissues by eliminating toxins that have accumulated within.
When taken in oral, capsule or liquid form, glutathione takes time to be broken down or absorbed into the blood. In suppository form, however, it skips the process of digestion making its principal active ingredient readily available for use by the body.
Glutathione suppositories are suitable for those who can’t swallow medications. For this reason, they are preferred by those with gastric, digestive and intestinal issues that can prevent the stomach from keeping down oral medications or pills from moving through.
The use of suppositories allows for a relatively stable environment for the active ingredients to be delivered into the body, providing more consistent results.
Most suppositories are small in size and appear as round or cone-shaped tablets that can be easily inserted into your body. They are safe and comfortable to use, having clear advantages over topical creams and lotions that may contain harmful ingredients.
Glutathione Vitamin Suppositories by Reborn for Me And Hue works as a natural detoxifier for your body that helps restore the healthy functioning of tissues and organs.